WaveWare DAV Support
Configuring your WaveWare Digital Alert Viewer (DAV)
Getting Started
To Gain Access to the DAV so that you can Configure it to Connect to the SNAP, you will need to Attach a HDMI TV (or other HDMI Compatible Monitor), a USB Mouse and USB Keyboard and the Network Cable to the DAV.
Important Note: Before Applying Power to the DAV...for Best Results...
Please be sure the DAV is connected to the Same Network as the SNAP. Also be sure that the Mouse and Keyboard are attached to the DAV and that the HDMI Cable is Connected from the DAV to the TV. Once everything is “Connected”...only then should you “Power-up” the DAV.
Note: If you Do Not Follow this Procedure, the HDMI Port will Not Recognize the Connection and it is Possible that the USB Ports will not be Activated and sometimes the Ethernet Port may also not see the Connection.
Once you have Applied Power to the DAV, it will generally only take just about 2 Minutes or Less for the DAV to Cycle thru the Powering up Sequence. Once the DAV is ready you will see the Screen as shown below.
First, you would need to choose the Product the DAV will be Connecting to, by Clicking on the White Radio Button. The choices are: MARS or SNAP. (Note: For this Guide we are working with the SNAP.)
Configure the Connection Settings:
Enter the username: Alerts (Case Sensitive, Must match the SNAP Alerts List Output Block Configuration)
Enter the password: password (Case Sensitive, Must match the SNAP Configuration)
Enter the device IP Address: (Must match the SNAP IP Address)
Click the “Save” Button at the Bottom of the Screen and the DAV will then Connect to the Device via the Network.
After you Click “Save”, the DAV should then Show “Alerts” on the Top of the Screen of your display and also the Text “No Alerts” (if still the Default Message), as Configured within the Alerts List Output Block, as seen Below in Screen Shot.
If you see this Data on the TV Screen, then the DAV and SNAP are Communicating and Ready to Start Displaying Alerts.
The above information is all that the DAV needs to Connect and Start Receiving Alerts. All other Setup and Configurations in regards to the Setup of the 3 Priority Levels and their associated Color Schemes as well as Font Size, etc. are done within the SNAP Alerts List Block.
Note: the DAV Configuration Screen seen on the TV at the Initial Setup will Time-out after 60 Seconds and Start again, cycling thru this Process a few Times before “Timing Out” completely, requiring a power cycle to continue.
Resetting DAV configuration settings
If you ever have the need to Enter a different Username or Password or IP Address, then you would need to Follow this Procedure:
Remove Power from the DAV (You may leave the HDMI Cable attached to the DAV to TV / Monitor)
Now Remove the Network Cable
Reboot the DAV (Apply Power) – When it Boots up, you will see the Error that the Network Connection as been Lost
Now Remove Power from the DAV again
Attach the Network Cable, a USB Mouse and USB Keyboard to the DAV (and the HDMI Cable, if Removed earlier)
Now Re-Apply Power, Rebooting the DAV
You will now see the Original Configuration Screen where you would then Enter the New Information
Once completed, the DAV is once again Ready to Receive Alerts
Configuring snap for use with dav
When connected to your SNAP system, Choose “Alerts List Output” from the Output Protocols and place it onto the Screen under the Input Block(s). Snap it into Place under the other Blocks and it can be added to any other Output Block already Attached.
The Default Settings are shown above and these work well for Most Installations and offer a Good Viewing of the Alerts
Priority Management also allows you to Setup a Color Scheme to work with up to 3 Alert Levels of Priorities.
Each Level can be configured to have its own Color which would be seen as a “Border” around the Screen and an Associated Color Dot next to the Alert Message also seen on the Screen, as seen below.
The Default Settings within the Alerts Lists Output Block work well for the Average Size TV or Monitor and allow for a Good Easily Readable Viewing of many Displayed Message Alerts and work with most “Compatible” HDMI Monitors.
It is suggested to try using the Defaults, before making any Adjustments.
The Alerts List Output Block allows the Adjustment of the Number of Alerts that can be Viewed “At-One-Time” on a TV or Monitor and for how “Readable” the Alerts are, as Displayed onto the Screen (Font Size).
Working with the “Max Messages” and “Font Size” Fields, you can “Adjust” How well the Messages can be viewed.
You can Adjust the Total Number of Alert Messages that can be Viewed “At any One Time” and also Control the Size of the Font. These 2 Adjustments working together will allow for the Best Viewing possible.
These Adjustments are mainly to Help offer the “Best Viewing” for the Number of “Expected Alerts” that might be seen at “Any-One-Time” on the Screen which helps offer Less Eye Strain for the Caregivers Reading the Alert Messages. If you make Adjustments to these Settings and then find you are having Problems with the Viewing or have Lost Control over them (meaning not being Displayed Properly or as Expected), then you can Disconnect the Alerts List Output Block from the Rest of the Blocks and Discard it, by Dragging it Off the Screen or Drag it over to the Trash Can located at the Bottom Right Corner of the Main Configuration Screen. Then go back to the Output Protocol Lists and Grab a New Alerts List Output Block and just start fresh.