Alarm Contact Monitoring
Meet your 21st century demands with innovative products from comPPage
comPPage PIA-3264 R2
(P/N=0121-0008) Main System - 16 Voltage Contacts
(P/N=0121-0014) Main System - 16 Dry Contacts w/Fuses
(P/N=0121-0010) Expansion Card - 4 Contacts per Card
The PIA-3264 has an ethernet cable to connect to a web browser with a connection to the Local Area Network.
Log All Alarms Created: All Logs are stored in files for the last 24 Hours and can be stored on an SD card.
comPPage DVIF10
(P/N=0121-0100) 10 Contacts
comPPage’s Dry or Voltage Interface Unit (DVIF-10) offers the user a Selection of 10 Dry or Voltage Inputs.
Can be expanded for up to 3 slave units for a total of 40 contacts